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Home-About Us-Company Culture

Corporate Culture

Corporate Spirit

Promote the spirit of water  Learn from the quality of water

Business philosophy

Pursue both material and spiritual prosperity for employees

Contribute to society at the same time

Corporate Mission

Collaborate to help the company grow

Strive for excellence to revitalize the national industry

Team Culture

Unified goals from top to bottom

       Complementary strengths and abilities

Shared values internally and externally       Shared risks and achievements

Smooth internal communication       Creating brilliance together for a bright

Company Maxims

Approach work with practical efficiency       Demonstrate loyalty and obedience to the company

Be honest and trustworthy in dealings with customers       Strive for excellence in your area of expertise

Respect and communicate effectively with colleagues       Embrace innovation and change in the face of competition

Maintain humility and self-discipline in personal conduct       Show courage and dedication in contributing to society

Twelve Business Principles

Clarify the purpose and significance of the enterprise       Success in business depends on strong determination

Establish specific goals                 Ignite the fighting spirit

Hold strong desires in the heart          Face challenges with courage

Put forth efforts equal to or surpassing anyone else   Engage continuously in creative work

Maximize sales while minimizing expenses       Conduct business with a caring and honest approach

Pricing is part of the business strategy                        Maintain an optimistic and positive attitude